Harry LaBollita

Research Scientist at ASU (2019 - current)


I use and develop computational tools to study strongly correlated materials. Specifically, I study the correlated electronic structure of rare-earth nickelates using ab-initio methods. For more info, checkout some my recent publications.

Reserach Interests 👨‍🔬

  • Modeling strongly correlated electron materials using DFT+DMFT
  • Quantum impurity solvers applied to DMFT.
  • Data-driven/machine learnign techniques for discovery of novel materials.
  • Quantum computing algorithms for electronic structure methods.

selected publications


  1. Conductivity of infinite-layer NdNiO2 as a probe of spectator bands
    Harrison LaBollita, Alexander Hampel, Jonathan Karp, and 2 more authors
    Phys. Rev. B, May 2023


  1. Many-body electronic structure of d9-delta layered nickelates
    Harrison LaBollita, Myung-Chul Jung, and Antia S. Botana
    Phys. Rev. B, Sep 2022
  2. Superconductivity in a quintuple-layer square-planar nickelate
    Grace A. Pan, Dan Ferenc Segedin, Harrison LaBollita, and 18 more authors
    Nature Materials, Sep 2022