
convert .ris to .bib files from the command line

Convert .ris formatted citation files into .bib format from the command line. A GoLang command line tool.


go get github.com:harrisonlabollita/ris-2-bib.git

From there build the exectubale. You can use the Makefile, but make sure the build is appropriate for your architecture.


Given an RIS formatted file example.ris

AU  - LastName1, FirstName1
AU  - LastName2, FirstName2
AU  - LastName3, FirstName3
AU  - LastName4, FirstName4
PY  - 2023
DA  - 2023/01/01
TI  - An interesting title would be here
JO  - Journal Name
SP  - 123
EP  - 123
VL  - 123
IS  - 1234
AB  - The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sheep dog.
SN  - 1234-2468
UR  - https://doi.org/10.0000/journal0000
DO  - 10.0000/journal0000`

Calling ris2bib generates the BibTeX formatted file example.bib

author = {LastName1, FirstName1  and  LastName2, FirstName2  and  LastName3, FirstName3  and  LastName4, FirstName4},
title = {An interesting title would be here},
journal = {Journal Name},
year  = {2023},
volume  = {123},
issue = {1234},
pages = {123-123},
doi  = {10.0000/journal0000},
url  = {https://doi.org/10.0000/journal0000}